Monday, December 8, 2008

Beowulf LRJ #1

In the Beowulf story involving Grendel, two values that are shown in it are the Mead Hall and caring for one another. The Mead Hall seemed to be a place that brought the community together. They drank, told stories, sang and shared a good time there. "...and the greatest hall in all the earth..." (Breeden.) When describing the events that took place at the Mead Hall (also called Herot), it is described that the king's "...lived in joy, happy..." (Breeden.) The citizens and warriors of Shieldings value each other. When Grendel takes the lives of the men, remorse is shown by the King and others. "...when the Dane heard of Grendel's strength, there was a great weeping. The old King sat sadly, crying for his men." (Breeden.) "They wept and seethed." (Breeden.)

Alliterations used is this tale are pretty neat ones. One section one uses a few similar words. "They readied the ship on the waves under the cliffs and the warriors stood at the prow as the water wound against the sand. The warriors bore in the ship's bosom bright weapons, fitted armor." (Breeden.) These alliterations creates a almost rhythmic effect. It's cool to know that that kind of writing was going on way back then.

Kennings are a metaphorical phrase that is used in the place of a noun.

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